Thursday, February 3, 2011

Second Week of Lessons

This week has been a very exciting week for me on a vocal level. I just recently got my voice duet book for the duet Will and I will be performing. Seems as if everything is falling into place for me lately, I'm figuring out what I would like to do with my life, and my voice pieces are coming along quite well. Still have yet to make much progress on my program notes, but that's what the weekend is for right? I'm excited to see the changes in my literature once I understand more about the composer, and the characters that I will be portraying. It's really neat to me to see how I sometimes simply can read about the character, and can be that person, it means so much more to me as a vocalist, and hopefully the audience thinks the same. I feel as if I'm on a roller coaster of emotions through the progress of this recital. One day I'll be excited, and the next day I'll be as nervous as all get out! It's so crazy! But I absolutely love what I'm doing and wouldn't trade it for the world. I can't wait to see what I can do with this the rest of my life! :) Here's to a GREAT week!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you, Amanda! It is so cool to witness your journey as a musician and as a future educator. I can't wait to hear that duet!!!
    I think the times when I am most nervous or stressed about a situation is when I allow myself to dwell on those thoughts. When you start thinking about how nervous you are---just practice! I think that when I know I am actively taking part in my preparation, I cease worrying about the final outcome. Put on those headphones, listen to some I-tunes, and the rest will fall into place!
